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Hello!!!!Happy 4th of JULY!!!!!

I left on Monday and arrived in Georgia for three days to have training camp. This was really cool! I learned more about what I will be doing in NC and met my team. We slept on an office floor and used porta-potties haha! Really getting into the “uncomfortable” mindset and finding our comfort in Jesus. All throughout camp, there were so many things God taught me. On Monday, we had an amazing worship service where I heard God tell me that he is my home. Through this last month, trying to prepare myself for NC, the hardest thing for me was being away from home, my sleep, and being uncomfortable (physically and mentally). On the first night, He walked me through breaking this lie. He surrounded me with peace: reminded me of the goodness that he is with me, and all I need. To get the revelation that he is my home is a huge thing and is a little frightening. As I have moved around so much growing up, I have felt as he is my home a lot of my life, but I have been in OKC for 7 years now and have caught myself being comfortable. I am unsure of all the places and experiences God will take me in life, but this revelation has brought me overwhelming peace. He is my home, my safe place, and guiding me. Now, this was the first night! BOY is God moving 🙂 Training camp was an interesting experience because you all don’t know each other very well, all have been brought by God from around the country, and are all trying to adapt the best you can. Each person had a unique story about how God brought them to this trip and it has been so cool to see our differences and similarities in mission ALL FROM AROUND THE U.S. 

The Father really showed me this week how much I have let fear rule my life. I can be a very fearful person and would like to say that I have gotten a lot better, but this week I was called out in letting myself sit in fear rather than bringing it to the Father. I was reminded that we are not called to have a spirit of fear!!! but of power!! love!! and a sound mind!!->2 Timothy 1:7 Because of this, I am making it a daily practice of meditating on this verse to break this lie in my life. I was reminded that I am not called to live fearfully but also in this to see that I am called to be free!!! Because of Jesus’s blood on the cross, I am free!! The war is won!! The devil has no power!! So all of the little things I fear throughout the day are not worth my time and hindering the freedom Jesus has given me. Through this, I am learning to trust, more than I ever have. 

I have seen the goodness of God this week and know I will continue for the rest of my life. I have been trying to explain his goodness in words this week, but still not able to. I will be praying through it and know God will bring it to fruition and it’s coming. But right now I have no explanation but to say that God is truly good all the time. 

My team will be pictured below, arrived in NC on Thursday afternoon. We have been getting settled in and will start working at the thrift store/cafe tomorrow. The people and nature here are so beautiful, such a reflection of him. I swear I can look at each person here and see Jesus through them in some way. My eyes have been open to seeking his face in our daily lives. I truly think God is calling me to go deeper in my faith this next month. To dig and wrestle and seek him. To ask myself how is God so good? What does it mean to have faith? Does my faith have limitations? What does it look like to daily trust him in everything? Does my trust in him have limitations? How can I be more present? What does living kingdom-minded in a secular world look like? and most of all, how to love–real love just as it says in 1 John 4. I have already learned so much this week, but know that God has so much more in store for me here. 


I ask for prayer for my team, as one of the members of my team has a chronic illness she battles every day. I ask that you’d lift her up to the Father and ask for full healing and the ability to work with all of us throughout this month.

I ask for the community here to be open to hear his truth and love of Jesus, that each person one of us speaks to or interacts with would see Jesus through us. 

I ask for strength and patience in my own life, as living in a community can be hard. As well as continued digging in my heart. To wake up this week refreshed and ready to be the hands and feet. If you would pray for 2 Timothy 1:7 to continue being the whispers of my heart, and lastly for me to be open to whatever God wants to do in me and this community, for me to relinquish control. 

ALSOOO… if you are reading this, you mean so much to me and I feel so loved that you are walking alongside me in this journey. THANK YOU! <3

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Caralyne Conley

This blog for Caralyne Conley is operated by Adventures In Missions, an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship, prayer and building relationships through service around the world.